Most people have opted to practice intermittent fasting to lose weight due to various health benefits associated with the undertaking. Nowadays, the practice is common among obese and overweight individuals. Other conventional weight-loss strategies focus solely on diets, but intermittent fasting is more inclined to the time one consumes their meals (Stockman et al., 2018). Intermittent fasting entails time-restricted feeding that incorporates an eight-hour eating interval in most instances. The human body can forgo food for several days; before pre-historic humans adopted farming, they were used to being hungry for a prolonged period. Likewise, intermittent fasting is comparatively easy, and it is compatible with the lifestyles that most people adopt. After the fasting period, this technique recommends that one consumes low-calorie foods, especially beverages and vegetables. Scientists and nutritionists recommend intermittent fasting as the ideal weight-loss technique as it enhances physical performance, reduces health complications, and boosts longevity among senior adults.
Intermittent fasting minimizes one's likelihood of having chronic disorders and increases their life expectancy. Clinical studies conducted on primates, rodents, and humans show that reduced weight has been linked to several healthcare benefits (Wallis, 2020). Intermittent fasting triggers a positive cellular response resulting in increased stress resistance and glucose regulation within organs. Fasting stimulates the efficacy of metabolic processes improving resistance to chronic disorders such as cancer, neurodegenerative brain illnesses, and diabetes. Thus, intermittent fasting mitigates the effects of age-related diseases on human beings by increasing their lifespans by almost 40% (Wallis, 2020). Intermittent fasting improves one's physiological resilience and delays DNA degradation. Resilient body organs can perform metabolic processes seamlessly for a prolonged period. Therefore, intermittent fasting reduces one's susceptibility to age-related conditions that guarantee an individual a quality lifestyle and longevity.
Intermittent fasting is an efficient weight-loss strategy that entails switching between regular eating and fasting schedules. Although this technique can be adopted by most people who intend to lose weight, it is crucial to seek professional intervention before commencing the practice. Physicians recommend intermittent fasting as the most suitable approach to losing weight since it does not restrict one from consuming specific foods.
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Stockman, M., Thomas, D., Burke, J., & Apovian, C. M. (2018). Intermittent fasting: Is the wait worth the weight? Current Obesity Reports, 7(2), 172-185. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13679-018-0308-9
Wallis, C. (2020, September 1). How good a diet is intermittent fasting? Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-good-a-diet-is-intermittent-fasting/